What is this site?

Knot.Ninja is a collaborative project between Liana and Nick Owad. They are currently exploring their respective fields and the work they create together comes from their discussions about each other's professions. They put up comics, research, art, games, math, and other random ideas.

Who are these people?

Liana Owad is an artist and Nicholas Owad is a mathematician. They are a married couple living and working in Okinawa, Japan. They have a very fat cat named kitty who they could not bring with them to Japan and they phantom see her all over their apartment. (Don't worry she is safe living with family back in the USA!) Check out more about Liana and Nick on their personal websites below!

Nick Owad

Web Content Contributor
Script Writer

Liana Owad

Web Content Contributor
Site Designer

    Follow Liana here!

© Nicholas & Liana Owad 2018